Caazapa politicians harass teachers.

Cristian Acosta, Pedro Díaz Verón, Avelino Dávalos harassing local teachers refusing to join their meeting.

They denounce that teachers were herded to a political meeting in the Colorado section of Caazapá.
They reported that teachers were herded into a meeting of List 1, held at the Colorado section of the city of Caazapá, to support the departmental and national candidates of the ANR. The departmental director of Education, María Lourdes Mabel Villalba, was allegedly the person in charge of “inviting” the educators, supposedly at the request of the Minister of Education and Science, Nicolás Zárate.

According to the data, the departmental director of Education of the department of Caazapá, María Lourdes Mabel Villalba , was in charge of making the "invitation" supposedly at the request of the Minister of Education himself, Nicolás Zárate.

The teachers who filed the complaint requested that their identities not be published for fear of reprisals. They said that the departmental director herself warned that a list of attendees would be taken to later find out who did not attend the political meeting on List 1.

The old practice of harassing public officials is still rampant in the department of Caazapá by educational authorities, who are orchestrated by the politicians in power, but it could be seen that on this occasion they were not very successful , said the educators.

The political meeting, with the presence of departmental candidates, such as Cristian Acosta (HC) for governor, Pedro Díaz Verón (HC) for senator, Avelino Dávalos (HC) and Juan Ramón Maciel (FR) for deputy , was held at the premises of the Colorado section of Caazapá, whose current president is Nicolás Brítez, of Fuerza Republicana.

The departmental director of Education, María Lourdes Mabel Villalba , said that the meeting was free, that what the complaint states is a lie and that the minister does not get involved in politics .

Finally, the teacher said that since there is freedom of expression this can be published.